Friday, July 31, 2009

Mr. and Mrs.

Since my last update, Price finished TFA training, we tied the knot, enjoyed a fantastic honeymoon at The Tides in Zihuatanejo, Mexico, moved into our new apartment, and have both started our teaching jobs. 

I am absolutely loving getting to spend so much uninterrupted time with my best friend, especially after all of the time we spend apart this summer. The honeymoon was an incredible way to kick things off and just relax together. The food at the Tides was the best I have ever tasted. Not to sound like a fatty, but I woke up every morning thinking about what I was going to order at brunch. I seriously had my dinner orders for the week mapped out in my head the first night of the trip. 

Food highlights included: homemade jams (or "yams" as the waiters called them) in exotic flavors with these great little pointy rolls at brunch, fresh corn tortillas every night, LOBSTER (never tried it before, it's now my new favorite food that I can't ever order), octopus appetizer with capers, flaming alcoholic coffee that I'm not going to even try to describe, mango mojitos, and the most beautiful tres leches cake. 

Now that we are back, settled, and slightly less well-fed, we have been able to establish somewhat of a routine. We have been cooking dinner at home with all of our fun new wedding kitchen gadgets, attempting to go on walks in our awkwardly unwalkable neighborhood, watching the Food Network despite the fact that we don't think it's a part of our cable package, enjoying (free) meals with our families, and watching lots of movies with our new Netflix subscription. Fyi: Netflix is an awesome wedding gift, thanks Wes and Clint.  

I have really been surprised at how quickly our apartment has become "home." Though the decorating is at a (temporary) hiatus due to insufficient funds, I am looking forward to being able to add a few more things like curtains and maybe a cabinet or chest for a little more storage space. I would post some pictures of our Home Sweet Home, however our camera (along with many other important things) is locked in my great grandfather's beautiful, antique, roll-top desk that happens to lock on itself when closed. The key is inside. The locksmith came, said we should try picking it, and told us to call him if it worked. It hasn't. 

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